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Request: Emperor's Throne


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I'm nearly done with my Throne Room, and I have a throne made, but it isn't the greatest. I'm good with mapping and a lot of shapes but I'm having trouble making something as complex as the throne.


IMO, my Throne Room map is looking pretty accurate, so I would really like to have a good-looking throne in it. I could just use my throne but I'm hoping to find someone who is willing to whip up a nice one.


The one I put together only took about a half-hour, and it's actually not too bad. However, I know it can be much better. If someone is willing to give it a try, I can give you credit for the level too.:) But please, I only need one if it is going to be really good, because I already have a decent looking one.


If your not sure if it's worth it, check out my Throne Room thread and decide for yourself.:) Thanks.



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