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Skinning a saber (plz dont say wrong forum)


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Yep, i'm having the same problem with a crimson look-a-like hilt too! :): i can see the skin in 1st person but in 3rd, black and white...


i noticed "real" sabers have a kind of metallic reflection effect, maybe we are using wrong color values or something like that?

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my skin works great now, thanx to snakeeyesa27,


all you have to do is create a file called w_saber.skin and add this line:


"w_saber,models/weapons2/saber/saber.jpg" without the quotes.


next, load the md3 in the viewer and select import skin, select the file you just created, the hilt will turn white, click export as glm and it works!


just pack the .glm and the .jpg and you're done!



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i know this is a model, but when you skinned it, there should be two files of the same thing, one for FP the other for SP. you need to skin both of them to the way you want it: skinning one does no good for the other... i believe, at least, that this is your problem, i may be wrong, and it'd be a terrible tradgedy.

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