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Scout Troopers: Is any in the works?

Angry Sandwich

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Remember the Imperial Scout Troopers seen riding the bikes in Return Of The Jedi? They're probably one of the coolest looking soldiers in the Imperial forces. Just curious if anyone is making any or if they plan to.


I've seen many great skins and models being showcased on these boards, and I'm very envious of what all the modelers and skinners have accomplished. I wish I had that kind of talent. :)

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Originally posted by Faye Ying

any way to replace the yavin swamp eggshell troopers with scout eggshells?



hello? please tell me ur 10 and ur using the PC of your father or brother! .....BOY!? It ist Done yet! There isn´t even someone working on it and yoe ask how to replace a swamptrooper with a non existing model???????!




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I think he ment if it was possible to make a scout trooper skin on a swamp trooper, but i think you would need a whole new model for it to be accurate. And I would also really like to see a scout trooper and also a snow trooper. These models wouldnt be extremely difficult either, especially to make skins for.

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