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rock walls


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i always make shapes that look nothing like rocks, or, if they do, they will overlap when put side by side....

Can you overlap a brush in this manner without screwing up framerates???

my map would be so much better if i could have this outdoor rainy marsh when you come upon the imperial outpost...

please help!!!!!

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I'm not sure if the terrain generator would eb very good for WALLS oh wait... I guess you could make a floor and turn it on its side...


Try loading up the .map kejim outpost and look at what the raven mapers did.


Also, I'm planning to make an outdoorsy type map next and I might just use this technique that worked well in counter-strike:




It should be even easier to do in Radiant.



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that link looks pretty good actually. I actually do have Kejiim outpost loaded, but, i am not too sure how to "check" on how they made the walls..i'm not sure how they are made actually....i am still learning this stuff!!!

If i use this tutorial, ad some boulders and my marshlands, it shouldn't be too bad....

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i find that if you build a box (this only works in gtk jkradiant vetex editing doesn't work right) and then just drag and pull the vetexes around untill you get a rock shape for more sides make the brush a pentegon

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