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Funny Thing


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Well it was funny to me, or it could of been the dozen cans of coca-cola i drank right before it getting to me (i did notice i had to go to the wash room alot). I was playing in a Jedi Vs Merc server and i was kicking some ass when someone named Buzz_Gt decided to be a smart ass. He yelled at me constantly telling me to "be a man and stop using guns" and "don't spam weapons". Of course he meant these angrily and i left out the swears in my quotes. Anyways i told him i was a merc (and called him a few names) while laughing my ass off. (doesn't it censor on this thing?) In the end i got a good laugh and he got his ass wooped (actually he won, but in my opinion he got his ass wooped). What is it with people? How stupid can they be! The server was called pure gamer jedi vs merc server, i think that means it JEDI VS MERC.



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