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Lighting problem.


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Okay, I have a platform in the sky and it's room is basically a large skybox, the problem comes is that it's too BRIGHT. There are no lights in the level, the sky texture just generates too much light. Is there anyway to lower the amount of light it gives off?

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Uhhh...actually, I bet the problem is probably that you don't have any lights and so it's not calculating a lightmap for your level. :D


Try adding 1 small light entity in the middle above your platform and see what happens when you compile that time.

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Did that, it was just as bright.


Should I be complileing something different? I'm using Fast vis right now, as far as I know that should still do the lighting. It's ungodly bright, like so bright it looks almost as if everythings white.

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Welp, there's no leak. I'm sure of it.


When Compileing, I noticed these warnings:


Warning: Couldn't find image for shader textures/bespin/sky

Warning: Couldn't find image for shader noshader.


Think these could be causing it?

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no its not that its just the editor can't find the textures during comile, its ok as it works in game


it could be that you have discovered the bug in running the light map, basicly if the filesize of your level is small, i mean VERY small, something like 300k but don't quote me on that, you get full, bright, best way to get it sorted is to build a complex random brush somewhere far off to one corner of your map, that should fix it.

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Oh, you use bespin/sky?


Actually, that shader is so bright that you need to use two... you see, instead of having a sun parameter (making light very strong from only one angle) the bespin/sky shader has surfacelight... meaning every sufrace you texture with bespin/sky emits sunlight-strength light.


The solution to this is applying bespin/sky only to the top surface. As in bespin/sky should only be on the face of the sky that is straight up. For all the others, use skies/bespin.


Otherwise, you will have light emitted from all six directions and that's just way too much light. :D


Also, if your map is only one platform and not much else (less than 1000 triangles or so), you should go ahead and do a regular FullVis, as if you caulked everything right and made the platform detail brushed, compile shouldn't take more than 60 seconds on a decent system.

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