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Need help in showing the world my map


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HI i got an SP map which has some areas that would make a great duel area.


I would like to know if anyone can sudgest where i can post pics of this map, actualy does anyone know if it would be alright to use jedioutcastmaps.com as im intending to post my Beta there.


The maps set in and around a giant skyscraper on an uncharted planet, it was a planetary governers palace during the empire, and is now used as a safe house of a high ranking spy who worked in the emporers palace.


You play a recently made jedi whos old friends with the spy (who is now retired). Your friend has been assinated and now the remnant have retaken the base, as far as you are aware the rebublic have no idea what is going on, and neither did you until you landed. You must locate an important log in the security room at the top of the tower and escape. To make matters worst an unknown jedi is attempting to steal the logs for his own ends.


if anyone would care to make a few models and skins for me then it would be much apreciated, not nesacary as this is just a filler while im waiting for serious work from my mod group Human Mind Studios.

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Just use some free place or get the FTP info of your HMS site :p


http://www.geocities.com, http://www.freeservers.com, http://www.tripod.com - If your map is ready for a beta, then go ahead and send it to JOM.com - then you'll have some screens to show.


But I'd take my time if I were you on releasing a beta, make sure 100% that there are no bugs, ie: properly caulked map, hint brushes in place and clip brushes along your wall-ceiling etc...


Cheers ;)

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