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some weird saber trick...


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I've been playing for awhile and i know almost all the tricks in the game, however these past two days i have stumbles, actually say 2 ppl doing it, on to something very interesting with the saber throw, mind you it isn't the orbiting saber but almost like it, instead of orbiting the body, it stood in one place, swinging i guess no moving a inch, even when i pull the guy down, his saber was still flying / hacking me!!!! My question is, HOW IN HELL DO YOU DO THAT!!!


Ill put it in simple words, the guy threw his saber, and it stood there flying/ spining/ and whatever it did, even when the guy was knocked down it was still flying???

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well, it did give the guy a disadvantage, that he can't use his saber, however, im a resourceful player and i killed him quickly, i heard ppl talking about it and most say it's useless, but i still want to know how to do that, they say it is, when spinning, i guess use a force power or taunt and it would stay in the same place, however i could not preform this? Is there another way of doing this, for steps that are needed to do this trick

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i'm not sure if i know what your talking about but try hitting taunt when the saber is spinning around you, is that what your talking about? I mostly use it for looks as it rarely kills someone (except one stupid padawan who tried to stand in the middle of it)

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it is not as simple a move as the DFK for example and i cant always pull it off but the actual way to do it is simple

btw it doesnt seem to work when i create my own server nor in SP so far ive only been able to do it in normal MP dedicated servers

go somewhere with a long distance so u can throw it far

then let go of throw when it is far away and as it comes back hold ATTACK 1 and try to dodge it

now ideally it will start to go into a nice orbit around u and u can run around with it as u like

however by me sometimes it starts cicling me and then goes on a werid course and flyies back to me

now if this worked u can press ur taunt key to make it stay in 1 place it will keep circling there as long as u holld the ATTACK BUTTON (his hand will glow yellow

but it leaves u undefended and rarely is any1 stupid enough to get close to it more than onnce and the runnning around with it leaves u open to throw THERE IS NO COUNTERING while the saber is in orbit maybe some shots/hits will b blocked if the saber is in that place at the right time but this is unlikely

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