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Yavin Trials


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Ok, now I feel really stupid. I have beaten the game on Jedi mode and now I am replaying on a harder level. Now, for the life of me, I can't do the stone ladder jumps. I push the block to let the first stone drop, and then I can't jump onto it. Its funny because I never had a problem the first time around, but now its frustrating. Does anyone else have this problem, and do you have a solution or a good way to make the jump. And yes I really did beat the game. :D !!!!!!!!!!

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lol. Ok, All I know is that the noclip cheat comes in real handy when you want to go somewhere where you have no idea where to go. I also helps a bunch on jumps.


Since you've beaten the game...

I need some help. I'm sorry that I can't name the lvl. But I'm stuck on the lvl where you fight two big walking machines that bust out of 2 out of the 6 boxes in one of the rooms. I beat them then I jumped up on a ramp and a door opens and I'm locked in a duel with a blue hooded Reborn. I defeated him, not too easily. *hugs Lightsaber* So I figure I'm going in the right direction if guys keep appearing to fight me. I went into the room but I can't figure out how to successfully complete the lvl. There are like no stormies, or reborns to fight anymore. So I'm completely and utterly lost.

I just remembered that the lvl is one of the ones when you meet with Luke and 8 reborns appear where you and him must defeat. He jumps really high and runs somewhere I can't follow. It's the place where you see Darth Vader's ship in the hanger.

During the lvl you see an AT-ST which is trying to blow you up. There are 3 more AT-ST (I think) in a ship where the first one broke out.

Also, in one of the rooms you must go through the floor is electrified and you must jump from box to box to shut the power off.

I hope you can help me!


-Darth Sadao :darth:

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Well since you have beaten the two mini AT-ST's you're over half way there. In the room past them, after you beat the reborn is a lift. At the top are a buttload of troopers and sentry guns. Once you kill all them, then hit a panel. It turns on an assembly line below you. Now you have to back track to an area you fought 2 reborns( A giant blast door area) Once you get there a real AT-ST starts chasing you. Run through the doors it just came from, and of course a buttload more troopers. Hide on the stairs and kill the AT-ST with the pulse gun or demp gun or whatever it is called. Then under the stairs is an area where you jump down into, but watch out for mines. just find a hole and drop through it to end the level.


Yeah, I know the cheat works but I am trying to not use them. Oh well, I shall keep trying. Hope this helps and thanks.

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