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duel_hanger floor


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Thank you, sir! Yer always there for me. :D


What happens if I'm skinning a new prefab that I don't want you to know the name of just yet (:)) and I have brushes all over the place with this texture? Do I put a misc_portal_surface on 6 sides around the new prefab? Like in a room kinda?

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Kinda mirrored or REALY mirrored?


Do you mean 'metaly' like the first underground base hallway floor in the first single player level "kejim base" or do you mean a mirror like the one at the end of single player before you fight Dessan?

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then you'd want a shinier mirror surface PainGod, not the mirror floors, they're really dark, plus they tile. I'd either see if you can't find a really shiny texture to make a mirror with.


And Rich: I'm gonna make a mirrored box right now just to see what happens :D



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Well, crud. It failed bigtime.


I cant build more than one misc_portal_surface (says 'failed to create entity') and even with the one entity, the mirrored surface fails to appear. It looks like something outta Tron (gridded) when BSP'ed.


Any ideas? This is gonna look terrible if I don't figger something out.

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you do have to place the misc_portal_surface entity within 64 radiant units of the brush you want it to reflect. i dunno dude... i'd maybe just make it really shiny for performance sakes. you know what mirrors does to framerates.



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I did have it within 64. But I got it working with the mirror_floor2 texture. Problem is that the ship is now mirrored black. Ugh.


I'm beginning the prefab again, this time going a little more slowly. First with one mirrored tex then another. Sigh. We'll see what happens.


If nothing else, I can use the black one.....


I'll post a screenie tomorrow.

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