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Backstabbing fast?


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Hi I just wanted to know how all these ppl can pull off the backstab so fast. Whenever i try it takes a while before it works. When someone is behind me i keep hitting back attack and finally works after a little bit but these other ppl do it like its nothing, the second they're behind them *BOOM* backstab. Please help if you can. Thx

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I have seen scripted versions of all finishers all over the net. Most likely the people that use pull/backstab constantly are script monkeys. They never need skill to execute the move and just have to hit a solitary key to do it. Its very cheap


P.S. I hate people who script attacks. Taunts,Poses,Sabercolor ect are OK

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I never script anything, because if a scripter uses the move like that it will only be a few times before finding his counter to the script.


anyway, the way I pull of the backstab quickly is

a. enable speed after i pull/push you and then backstab

b. usually what I do most of the time. I actally start the stab before I have put my back to you. you can start at like a 45 degree angle and then turn into the person. this gives about a 300ms advanced start to the backstab and makes it seem quicker. Its all in practicing it. I can pull them off pretty quick but its more about predicting where your opponent will be, expecially if your not using push/pull to backstab.

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I have yet to see a script for any of the special moves or combos which is 100% (min 90%) reliable. I've tried to script some of my own, toyed with those I found in the forums and my conclusion is that using script is a waste of time and valuable ergonmic keys to bind em to. A script might work well against a bot, might even be ok on duel servers, but if they work ok there then the **** will most likely hit then fan when it comes to crowded MP maps due to the majority of these relying on timed combinations - wait states which are heavily fps dependend.

I'm just a medium skilled player, but there isn't a move which I can pull off better by hand then with any script I've tried, especially if I train something with bots 1st and then practice some more by 'spamming' it on a public server. Now don't get me wrong, spamming something isn't going to give you good results overal, but extensive use of a certain move should get you to the point of pulling it off in your sleep ...

UncleBen I would go with training against bots 1st until you have it down flat (executing a backstab fast & manage to land a hit with it most of the times), same goes for kicks, DFA or whatever.

If anybody disagrees and thinks that scrips are superior in executing special moves or combos, then please feel free to post an example here (anything that requires some timing, eg no 'saber lock' or simple forward-kick script).

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