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We Need New Skies!


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I've seen more than one map thread where the mapmaker need a custom sky and NO ONE seems to be making skys.


If you need a sky post here.

If you can make skys FOR THE LOVE OF GOD POST HERE!


I have so far seen precisely ZERO custom skys. If you've got a map with one in could you post here also? Maybe even with the name of the artist who did the sky?


My map Coruscant platform needs a Coruscant night time sky, with street lights far below.

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My map had a pretty nifty custom sky. Though it was a sky shader, not a skybox. You'd be surprized at what you can manage with a sky shader, though.


You peeps can use the sky in that though, if you get it out of the pk.


(said map: Training Garden @ jedioutcastmaps.com)



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Originally posted by Pseudopath

All I get from the wadfather is "loading please wait". I went to the environmental maps thingy...


Any ideas?




- Pseudopath.


Hmm, I have no problems connecting to the Wadfather, although it's _very_ slow right now. Try going there later, there seems to be lots of traffic there right now.


Check out the sky shaders that came with JKII. All you really have to do is to change the texture paths. And of course the sun value to your liking. Make sure that your custom textures follow the naming conventions with _top and so on. Check how Raven has done it in the textures/skies folder.


Example (ripped from test3):


qer_editorimage	textures/pseudojk2duel1/mysky.tga
q3map_surfacelight	15
q3map_lightsubdivide	512
sun 0.75 0.79 1 65 46 40
surfaceparm	sky
surfaceparm	noimpact
surfaceparm	nonsolid
surfaceparm	nonopaque
skyParms	textures/pseudojk2duel1/mysky 512 -


// Grudge


EDIT: oops, missed some stuff in the shader

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I am still learning about skyboxes, but I'm mapping a cave and at the top of this long cyclinder there is a cave opening into space. I need a sky box that has multi layers of stars moving at different speeds to simulate depth. This was done on The Emporer's throne room duel map. But I need Astroids in the mix too. This sky box will be far away at the top so detail isn't that important.


Like I said, I'm still learning how to map and I havn't even got to learning about sky boxes yet. I'm still learning about patch meshes and bending patches. If you have any ideas, or would like to help or know of a good tutorial please drop me a line. Thanks, Gadget.

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Originally posted by G0G0GadgetForce

I am still learning about skyboxes, but I'm mapping a cave and at the top of this long cyclinder there is a cave opening into space. I need a sky box that has multi layers of stars moving at different speeds to simulate depth.


That's impossible to do with a skybox... skyboxes are static textures, 1 to each side (i.e. one texture makes the top, front, back, left, right, and bottom). If you want an animated background, you hafta trick the player into believing it's a sky... such as in Emporer's Throne Room (he put a sky shader behind the windows - it is not an actual skybox).

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