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unallignable textures


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ive got this row of lihts that runs along a skirting type brush in my level and i align it in GTKRadiant and its all cool but when i go into the game its misaligned


has anyone else encountered this wierdness?



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its a glowing light shader called kejim/lightpanel02


its just a strip of lights that just glow


ive got it all over the place running along the skirting boards in the detention area and theres just one place where it wont align the way i tell it to in GTKRadiant.


im gonna try alkigning it in JKRadiant instead and see if it works though it can be dangerous to do stuff on the same map in different editors as sometimes i found bruashes disappear



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I haven't got a clue. I thought maybe it's the texture being defined as clampmap but that's not it. That light texture is just an ordinary one. Did you use CSGSubtruct there somewhere? Maybe you can try and delete the brush and then rebuild it. Could be evil poly.

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