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SPOILERS!!! Final Fight With Desan stuff!!!


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So i've beat him a few times now... he's a fun guy to spar with but i've noticed a few things in the level...



first off his grip sucks!!! It takes like 3x force pushes to get it off... anyone figure out a better way to get out of it?... one i got lucky and it broke on the second and he fell to the ground and i slashed him up good... heh...





second is there are two panels on the uppers lvl that you can force pull em out and that beam of light that desan was in b4 will pop back up... anyone find a use for that? I went in the light and there were all sparkles and what not... but i couldn't really notice anything major happening...





heh all and all he's a rough fight... i try to beat all the jedi's w/o using force speed b/c its kind of cheep and i beat him with the push when off balance and slash em on the ground method... most of the time


but a few times i've pretty much been able to straight up fight him with the weak lightsaber block and spin counter chop off his legs method... but i lose more than i win of them




so what were your strats and what did you guys do?

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i used force speed w/ strong stance. 2 slashes = dead desann. he used no forces at all. i just waited for him to come to me...


im guessing that the dessan fight is harder that i think, since i beat him in about 20 seconds the first time. how hard is it really?

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The only way I beat him regularly is force speeding when he throws his saber, and one or two hacks (heavy stance) and it's off to the cut scene. It seems like I can get him to throw at me by pushing him. He'll say 'You dare to push me?', push me back, and throw his saber.


The beam thing is supposed to make you invincible for a few seconds, but I've never actually tested that theory.

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Yes, the beam does make you invincible.

In fact, using the beam it's a piece of cake to beat him without losing any life or shields because the beam can be reactivated after it's shut off.

Beam+speed+red stance+wild hacking= dead desann


another cheap way is just to lightning him to death is you're not up for saber combat.

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Here's the super easy way to beat him:


Notice the 4 posts, one of which has already fallen?

Get Desann near one of the standing posts and then... just destroy it.

You can use lighting, saber throw, regular chops whatever.

Usually Desann will destroy it for you with his own lighting or throw.


What happens is all the stone falls from above, crushing him, and thats it.


I beat him once on Jedi, then I found I could do this when I replayed it on Jedi Knight.

It was way too easy to do... I did it twice with the stone then I killed him again with regular saber.

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