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How do I make a door


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i never made a door yet, but here is a tutorial..I copy and paste most tutorials i read incase the website goes down....


Author: Craig "UGG" Urquhart


Example: door_tutorial.zip


Sliding Door


1. Create the door entity using one of these methods:


In the popup entity menu, select func_door from the func group to create a default door.

Select a brush and convert it to a door by selecting func_door.

2. Press "N" to popup the door's properties.

3. Add an angle key, or just press one of the direction buttons. The door will not move unless it has a valid opening angle.

4. Add a soundset key to hear sounds when the door moves. The names of Jedi Outcast's door soundsets are listed below.



Top View Door Properties


Double Sliding Doors


1. Make two sliding doors and change the opening angle of one so that it moves in the opposite direction.

2. Add a team key to both doors. The name must be the same for each door if they are to move together.



Top View Upper Door Properties Lower Door Properties


Rotating Door


This is only possible in Return To Castle Wolfenstein, and in mods that have added a func_rotating_door entity to the game code, like Urban Terror. Also, it's unlikely that a rotating door can be made using func_pendulum or func_rotating because those entities can not be triggered.


Trigger Activation


1. Create the trigger entity using one of these methods:


In the popup entity menu, select trigger_multiple from the trigger group to create a default trigger.

Select a brush and convert it to a trigger by selecting trigger_multiple.

2. Resize the trigger to fit inside the walls. Make sure it's large enough for the player or npc to walk through.

3. Create an activation link from the trigger to the door by using one of these methods:


Select the trigger and the door, in that order. Press CTRL+K to create a default link.

Add a target key to the trigger, and a targetname key with the same name to the door.

4. Add a wait key to the trigger and make it slightly longer than the door's wait time. This stops the trigger activating while the door is open.



Top View Door Properties Trigger Properties


Push Button Activation


1. Create a button entity using one of these methods:


In the popup entity menu, select func_button from the func group to create a default button.

Select a brush and convert it to a button by selecting func_button.

2. Position the button so that is does not go all the way through the wall when activated. Increase its lip property to prevent this.

3. Set the button's moving angle so that it moves into the wall when activated.

4. Create an activation link from the button to the door, like in the example above.



Top View Door Properties Button Properties


Switch Panel Activation


1. Create a trigger entity that the player can stand in while touching the switch.

2. Create an activation link between the trigger and the door, like in the example above.

3. Check the trigger's PLAYERONLY, FACING, and USE_BUTTON spawn flags. Also, make the trigger's angle point towards the switch.

4. Create two panels for the switch using one of these methods:


In the popup entity menu, select func_usable from the func group to create a default panel.

Select a brush and convert it to a panel by selecting func_usable.

5. Add a targetname key to each panel, using the same name as the trigger's target key.

6. Check the STARTOFF spawn flag for one panel so that it remains hidden until the other panel is activated. This will be the "on" panel.

7. Position both panels over each other so that they can change while appearing to be a single switch.

8. Add a brush behind the switch to ensure that the level won't leak if both panels are hidden.

9. This switch, like most in Jedi Outcast, does not change back after the door closes. That type is better handled by a script.



Top View Panels Separated Door Properties


Trigger Properties "Off" Panel Properties "On" Panel Properties


Security Panel Activation


1. Check the door's LOCKED spawn flag. The door will only open once if it isn't locked first.

2. In the entity menu, select misc_security_panel from the misc group to create the panel.

3. Also, select item_security_key from the items group to create the key. It has to be a security key because a supply key does not work.

4. Create an activation link from the panel to the door, like in the example above.

5. Set the panel's front facing direction so that its back is aligned with the wall.

6. Add a message key to the panel and security key. The names must be the same for the key to work.



Top View Door Properties Security Panel Properties


Security Key Properties


Door Properties


Spawn Flags START_OPEN Moves to its destination when spawned, and operates in reverse.

FORCE_ACTIVATE Can only be activated by a force push or pull.

CRUSHER Does not reopen if blocked.

TOGGLE Waits in both the start and end states for a trigger event.

LOCKED Starts locked, with the shader animmap at the first frame and inactive.

GOODIE Only opens if activator has a "goodie" supply key in his inventory.

PLAYER_USE Player can use it with the use button.

INACTIVE Must be used by a target_activate before it can be used.

Keys target Fires when door starts moving from its closed position to its open position.

opentarget Fires after door reaches its open position.

target2 Fires when door starts moving from its open position to its closed position.

closetarget Fires after door reaches its closed position.

model2 MD3 model to also draw.

angle Determines the opening direction.

targetname Name of the remote button or trigger field which activates the door.

speed Movement speed (default is 100).

wait Seconds to wait before returning (default is 3, never return is -1).

delay Seconds to wait before moving (default is 0).

lip Lip remaining at end of move (default is 8).

dmg Damage to inflict when blocked (default is 2, set to negative for no damage).

color Color of light emitted by door.

light Radius of light emitted by door.

health Amount of damage to door before it will open.

soundset Sound set to play when door moves.

linear Set to 1 for the door to move linearly rather than with acceleration (default is 0).


Door Sound Sets


impdoor1 impdoor2 droid_door door1 door2 door3

door4 door5 door6 door7 door8 door_large1

door_large2 door_large3 door_large4 door_medium1 door_medium2 door_medium3

door_medium4 door_medium5 door_small1 door_small2 door_small3 door_small4

door_small5 door_small6 stone_door huge_door large_door




1. Door does not move.

Set an opening angle in the door's properties. There should be an arrow in the center of the door.


2. No sounds play when the door moves.

Add a soundset to the door's properties.


3. Only one of the double doors opens.

Check that both doors have the same name for their team key.


4. Trigger does not work.

Check its size. Make sure the player or npc can touch it.


5. Push button slides along wall.

It's using the default moving angle because none was given in its properties.


6. Switch panel does not work.

Check that the trigger has an arrow facing the switch. Also check the spawnflags and targetnames.


7. Switch panel flickers when activated.

The trigger needs a wait time greater than it's default of 0.


8. Key does not unlock door.

Check that it's a security key with the same message name as the panel.


9. Door will not open again after using the security panel.

The door must be locked first. The purpose of the security panel is to unlock it, not open it.

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Originally posted by DividedByZero

That's right, I'm a real newbie. I don't even know how to make a door. Do I stick a brush in the shape of a door into a wall then somhow delete it to create the opening?


The opening itself is just that...an opening. You can put a func_door (follow the tutorial) pretty much anywhere you want, but you hafta make the opening yourself.


Go to Bubba's tutorials and load up the one on creating a second room. :D


You just put the func_door in the space. :)

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But how do I make the space? Useing what tool? Let me try and explain more.


I don't need a sliding door yet, I just want an opening. How do I make one. Do I have my two hollowed out rooms, and then somhow slice peices out of the walls and put the rooms next to eachother? Is there a crop tool that I haven't found?

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Think about how you build a house in the "real" world. Most of the time you don't put up a large wall and _then_ cut a hole in it. It's easier to build the wall out of segments from the beginning. Make two flat brushes next to each other, but with some space between them. Then make another one that connects to the two brushes at the top, but doesn't go all the way down. You can also add a brush acting as a threshold. Voila, you've got an opening.


Check out this shot:




// Grudge


EDIT: added an image

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No, you shouldn't use hollow at all. It's much easier (and better for a number of reasons that I'm not going into here) to build yor walls and floors as separate brushes from the beginning.


For example;


1. first make the floor - a long rectangular brush, as long as you want the corridor to be.


2. Clone the floor brush (hit space) and drag the cloned brush up along the z-axis (the narrow window to the left in Radiant) to form the ceiling.


3. Deselect the ceiling brush (hit Esc). Make a narrower brush to the left of the ceiling brush and extend it down to the floor brush by dragging the edge of the brush in the z-view window.


4. Clone the brush you've just made and move the clone to the right, to form the right wall.


Check out the shot:




Don't use CSG subtract or hollow. Built everything out of separate brushes instead.


// Grudge

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