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Continuing problem.....


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Whenever I put in an elevator in my map, it compiles fine, but when I'm about to spawn after loading it in JK2, the screen freezes right at the spawning point and gives me this error:


CM_InlinModel: bad number


Now I can go back into that map in jk2rad, add brushes, objects etc, then recompile it WITHOUT the elevator, and then I have no problem loading the game. Why would the elevator cause the game to crash?? I've tried it with 3 different types of elevators: Func door, Func plat, and func train, and everytime the result is the same. I asked my brother to compile it with an elevator thinking it might be a problem with my copy of Radiant or installation, but he ended up with the same error. This is a mystery to me and is putting a serious hault on the 95% completed hoth map since an elevator or two are needed for servers who won't run the game with force powers. If anyone knows of how to fix this problem or identify what is causing it, please help me with this so I can finish my map and release it.





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Not sure what this error means. Does this happen in SP or MP game, or both?

Also, how did you make your elevator? What does it look like (how many brushes are there)? Is it complex or just a platform?

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It's a multiplayer map, and without going into detail on the specifics of making an elevator, I made one following instructions from various tutorials such as bubbas, this one:http://members.iomartdsl.com/~paul.rich/kev/mapping/elevator.htm and a few others trying various way to make an elevator like func_door, plat and train and no matter what I try on that map, it crashes when I run the game. I know the elevator works because I made a test map, put in an elevator and it worked like a charm. So it has something to do with my map. And I think if someone would recognize the error I get, maybe they would have a solution. Thanks for responding though xcom. Maybe I should email Raven and see if they know?

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I appreciate the straw you're grabbing at Paingod, but I think I've isolated the problem to my map..or I should say the iterations before my hoth3 map.


Let me explain, as far as how I save my maps go, I'm on hoth11h, what I did was go back a few iterations to hoth9c where I made some major changes and I still had the same problem when I put in an elevator and tried to load it up in JK2. So I systematically went back through previous versions (hoth 9, 8, 7, etc) and put in an elevator and tried it and got the same results until I got to hoth3 where I put it in and it worked no problem.


Now hoth3 is the point where I moved one of the surrounding walls to make an additional room (I didn't know how to cut a hole in a wall at that point) and I think when I did, even though it compiled, I caused some major problem for the map and I started getting that CM_inlinemodel: bad number error every so often if I tried to put in certain things in certain areas like breakables or glass breakable. To fix that problem, all I would have to do is take out whatever I put in and then I could proceed with the development of my map brushes, models, shaders etc.


So I'm faced with a dilema, do I go back to hoth3 where my map was like 50% or do I proceed with my current version which is about 95% complete and I could put in ramps/stairs to compensate for the lack of elevators.


When I say 50%, what is missing is a secret room I put in, a second hanger bay, a room in the first hanger bay, all of the fixes and enhancements since hoth3 and all of the objects, spawn points etc that I put in. So any feedback as to what I should do?

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yeah I am sick of looking at it :)


I guess what I'll probably do is just put in some ramps/stairs in a few areas that it will require you to force jump up to otherwise. I'm thinking of servers that run "no force powers" and how they'll be able to get around if I don't have elevators to certain areas.


But maybe I'm fretting over this too much...hell nobody may even like it so I guess I'll finish it and release it. I guess if ppl do like it, then I'll go back and rebuild it from 50%. It's a nice looking map and really fun to play, but I want to move on to a new terrain...I've looked at this hoth terrain for like over a month now :)

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You can go back without too much headache...


1.load up the newer versions of your map.

2.Select the compnents that are not in the old version.

3.Pree ctrl+C

4.Load up the old version

5.Press ctrl+V


The added bonus here is that all the stuff appears at the EXACT same co-ordinates they were in in the new map so you should require only a little fiddleing to make it all work.


I made my small map with no doors or elevators, but the compile was like 40mins, so I copied a chunks of the map, and started making/testing doors/elevators in the spots they would be in. I then copied them back after testing and they popped right into the spots they were needed. I haven't compiled the full version yet but I can see no reason it won't work fine (Abayaba Abayaba... ohhh laaah god of mapping please don't screw me... Abayaba icha chub nub....)


hope this helps

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