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the crappest thing ever in the entire history of really crap things


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I opened up GTKRadiant to fix some final surface clashing errors and every single entity in my map has turned into little purple boxes that say worldspawn


i was literaly five minutes away from emailing off the final version


i give up on mapping, im gonna take up hole digging as a hobby



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check the snapshots directory and see what the last version you last edited on was. if it's not too far back, pull it up and see if there's anything wrong with it. This just seems kind of weird. Have you maybe copied your map file somewhere else and opened it in notepad? I'd be curious as I'm wondering if the map code didn't get messed up somewheres. Happens a lot specially if maybe Radiant crashes when you're working on it.


Hope things turn out well!



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opened it in JKRadiant and all the entities came back


im never using GTK again its cursed


every trigger brush on the map was gone still (has happened to me before when switching between JKRadiant and GTK) but i replaced them without to much trouble


man for a second there my brain was melting



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im happy and unhappy to hear this


happy for you


but unhappy because bigger levels are easier to create in gtk with correct working features like undo, complex filtering and hiding options


i fear somewhen gtk will make somthing weird with my level :)


have you done anything weird with GTK, that you wouldn't do usually?

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i just opened my map up as usual to fix a tiny texture glitch and it went all mental


i agree that GTK is heaps easier to work with but i think that because it has more complex functions than JKRadiant it has more opportunities to bugger up


it has switched around flag values and stuff on my level a million times (for instance it keeps removing the start_off flag from my func_walls) and a few times i found rodians that i never made stuck halfway in the ground sniping at me from wierd spots

the worst it had done to me before this was delete all my trigger brushes and switched all the flags on my npc_stormtroopers to make them all normal blaster guys instead of rockets and repeater guys and stuff.



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Don't bother trying to use Undo in JKRadiant.. and have fun spending hours deleting the extra brushes JKR creates ("Here, I'll just create this one brush and.. crap, there's now 740 copies that I have to delete")

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The other thing with Radient is when your dragging out the side of the brush and you accidently go over the edge of the window.


Zoom you now have a brush thats 6 million miles long. Delete and start again!

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