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euro player looking for a clan


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im europeab looking for an active clan wh is willing to to take me


active = matches training etc yu know the works


im good in taking orders as in giving them im good in learn and teaching so i could do alot if you give me somme time im an active player

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Hey, I'm a representative of the AB clan and we are looking for more members in Europe so we can start a seperate ladder for the European team.


Our site is currently at http://www.darklordofsith.net/theoutcast/ (We are getting a .com in a few days though :)) and I'm sure I can arrange a run through of your 'skills' as soon as you decide wether you want to join.


Just drop a note at kbdas108@hotmail.com if interested with your info included (can be found in the "join form" page)


Hope to hear from you soon ;)

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<font color="#FFC0FF">The JMH spawned from <a href="www.the-jediorder.com">The Jedi Order</a>

and we are a lightside non hacking/cheating lightsaber clan for Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast as well. We play all types of games FFA, TFFA, CTF ect.


You can find us at <a href="http://chinchillapimp.com/jmh/">Jedi Masters of Honor HQ</a>


Interested in joining? contact JMH_Linky, JMH_Anakin or JMH_Armos on zone or post on our forum.



Most of us are from europe :)


<a href="http://chinchillapimp.com/jmh/">Jedi Masters of Honor</a>--<i>A Jedi Knight II gaming organization.</i>

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We are not huge, but not exactly small anymore, take a look!


This advertisement is a direct link to us.


<center><a href="http://www.iconianknights.com"><img src="http://www.members.aol.com/Evilmonky0/Images/ban_join_jk2.gif"></a></center>


Check out our website, its got some good info, then come to our forums and apply in the 1st Recruitment Division if you are interested!

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Well i might as well get on the band waggon.


Clan oNe was formed a few months back as a clan called NjO. But we have recently gone under a revamp and arestarting to get back into the swing of things at last :D.






We also have our own privbate server we share with a clan called Dn....


Krak3n - Clan oNe's 2nd in command/

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