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I have been on the big room with the garbage crushers in for ages, what do i do?!!!


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I have been on the big room with the garbage crushers in for ages, what do i do?! I've gone through all of the rooms that i can find and now i'm really baffled! There is one room which i have noot been able to get into though, it is like a glass room which you can see throught the glass wall and it has a switch on the wall and some gadgets on the floar. To see into this room you have to go inyo a room off of the main BIG room and it has loads of boxes inside and also at the far end a box which you have to pull.

I have also managed to get onto the area which you walk on around the top of the BIG room. Can you help me by telling me what to do?! Thanks.

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im there now. i forgot how to do it, but you gotta jump around alot. first go the the big trash compactor whres those no bin in front. then jump in and run across to the other side and get out. then you have to f**k around untill you get down into a hallway where you see a dumpster blocking a passage way and move it backward. then you have to make your way around to the garbage smasher can again that you came through,[be carefull will crush you, put it on god mode] then get out of it and go to the same hallway that the dumpster was in that you just moved. then you move that and it opens a door. go through it and work your way around. when you dont know where to go, look at the vents in the wall, some open when shot at and you have to get through some and find you way around. thats a really simplistic way of stating it but basically what you have to do.


im at the point where im on top of that glass room your talking about. this damn robot keeps asking me for a password and i dont know what to do. after reading your post, ill go back and try to flip some of those switches.

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ok, im throught that part. i dont know how to get out now. i am at the part where lando. hes just sits there, but i dont know how to escape, i flew throuhj that first wall then busted through a few other walls, but now im back to the main area. how do i get out. theres now way to go. should i try to go outside or what. any help would be apreciated.


my obejectives are to escape with lando and find burak.

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I have got passed that part now and have done quite a bit since i found out what to do. I know what to do! You have to talk to lando and then return to the BIG room and where thae robot that asks you for the password you tell him the one that lando told you (does this automatically) Then you're through and you just have to follow the passageways until you get to 'The Fat Alien' and he sets off loads of guns and aliens on you so here is a tip...ues 'speed force' and gel behind the aliens with your light saber and slice em up! hope that helps!

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