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multiple mods

JK Legacy

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when you edit the .c files in visual c, are they meant to be changed forever? so like if i do the test mod then decide i want to start a new mod i have to manually go back and change it all back to the original or just reinstall the tools? i know its not much of a problem to undo the testmod changes but if i start making different mods with more changes it would be all messed up?


is there some way to save it as a.. project?? (im pretty new to this) in visual c so that all the source files are seperate?


also, say you just edit the g_weapon.c file thing, do you always have to do a compile of every "game" file? hope that makes sense



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a) Yes. they indeed are "changed forever", when you edit them. A good method is to install the SDK into one directory, then copy the source to another when you begin making your modification.

b) The source itself comes with a project file for Microsoft Visual Studio C++.

c) You do not need to recompile all of the source files unless they have been modified / you do a "Rebuild All" / you "Clean" (removes the .obj files).



Hope that clears any problems, if it dosn't, just say so! :)



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thx normal, helps a lot.


how do I go about compiling a mod out of say just 1 changed file, g_weapon.c for example? would I just use the compile command? if I do that what do I do afterwards? and can I do like 3 seperate files, and then put them together.


this is probably simple stuff but I've only used c for like half an hour now, only experience before that is a bit of vbasic.


oh one more thing, i did a build all on the original source, it did it, and it works but in the compile it said


0 errors, 11 warnings.


did anyone else get this, and is it a problem or is a warning just well a warning?

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You would just "Build <name of file>", it should just compile whatever hasn't been compiled or any changed files. However, if you change *.h files. It'll recompile all files.


Warnings are a way of the compiler telling you something "suspicious" is going on. They may be nothing, but should be investigated otherwise. :cool:



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but I tried to just build for... g_weapon for example, but if i do build jk2game.dll it compiles every single file in the game part of it. is it meant to do that? it just makes the output of any change <800kb, even if i change like the ammo for a weapon its an 800kb file..


i tried just right clicking the file i want to build and clicking "compile [filename]" but that just gave me: a g_weapon.obj file, a jk2_game.pch file and a vc60.idb, how could i just use the g_weapon.obj file and make it into a .dll or preferably a .vm?


hope that makes sense, thx

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