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Grates sound like water?


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I already had this sound, even for a wall walking :/ (in my garbage masher map, still unreleased :p I didn't touch Radiant for days... no time -sob- )


And my shader was custom, putting "metalsteps" sounds didn't help (but perhaps will that be the right thing to do for your shader, try!).

Adding a thin clip brush helps in some case but if you want to keep a breakable floor I don't really know... Can a clip be grouped with a func_breakable and be destroyed? I don't think so but didn't try.

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Here's what I do - this works in EVERY case, but makes your download larger.


Take every shader that makes the splash sound and copy it into a NEW folder in the textures directory.


Finder the shader file for each shader you copied into your new folder, and make a new shaderfile that has each shader you need in it ( of course, point the path for each texture in your new shader file to the correct directory ) and name the shaderfile with the same name you used on your new texture directory. Make sure you take the surface parm "metal steps" OUT of the shaderfile for each shader! Next, edit the shaderlist.txt file to include your NEW shaderfile.


Load up GKTRadiant and replace all the spalshy texturs with the EXACT same ones in your new Texture folder you created.


Compile the map.


Add the directory with your "new and improved " shaders to your pak3 file, as well as the shaderfile and the shaderlist.txt


whamo - no more splahy shader sounds :)

This has worked fine for me...no clips needed..but as I've said, it makes the DL a little bigger.


good luck



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