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HELP: Making A Static md3 From A GLM File


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So, someone suggested that I could have Desann frozen in a block of ice in my Ice Cave duel map.


I call it my 'Desann-icle'.


Now, I've downloaded MilkShape and the GLM importer, but not installed them yet, so I'm a total newbie with it.


Here's the question: Once I've opened the Desann glm file in MilkShape, how would I go about transforming the glm file, with all it's animations, into a one position, one skin, static, md3 model for use as a Desann-icle?


I would imagine this information would be very helpful to a lot of people.

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well all the importer does is import the mesh, so you cant fool around with animations.

im not sure if it keeps the uvw coordinates, if not skinning would be next to impossible.


since its just eye candy can you simple take his model, give him a fixed animation, and put him into a transparent block?

or can you only use .md3's?

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good question. id probably start by exporting just the frame you want as an MD3, but i dont know if u could use that in a map, im more of a modeler. altho, if u then get gmax (goto http://www.discreet.com) u could import the 1-frame md3 (get the import/export plugins for gmax from my site here) and make a level in gmax, then export the lot as a .map to load and compile from JKIIRadiant, that might work, i dunno. good luck!

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I've installed MilkShape now and have had a look.


The model just appears as a grey, skinless form. How can I add a skin to it, in an easy way, preferably?


And no, as far as I can tell you can only add a 'misc_model' that's an md3, unless there's another option. I'll have to take a look.

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