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Request for a modeler


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Guess I should have posted this in here a while back too.


I need a modeler to some player modeling work for a mod that I am starting up. We currently have 6 members and we need a modeler. If anyone is interested in helping out please email me at volrath_the_insane@msn.com or contact me on AIM at dysfunktionalX.


the name of the mod is "Star Wars: The Stormtrooper Saga"





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Guess I should have also stated what I need models of huh? I do need someone to make a Tusken Raider model for the mod as well as one or two other models for a new planet we have created for the mod. Anyone interested? Please email me or contact me if you are. Thanks!



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its a stromm trooper mod you play as a stromy durin anh and esb i beivle there will be 5-4 levels with new models, hud, voices and cutscreens. so far its an all gun mod but i'm trying to get both saber and guns so we'll se on that not to sure on the story yet im just the mapper hope that helps volrath could tell you more


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Originally posted by spacermonkey

what u should also do is include details about the mod, what do you hope to acheive and how you hope to do it. Write out the details, your really giving no one an idea of what its all about.



Thanks spacermonkey. I wasn't about ready yet to reveal the whole storyline yet, but I can reveal this:


This is a mod based on a Stormtrooper. Yes. A Stormtrooper. We are planning 5 levels max, each taking place in different locations. It is confirmed that the first two levels will be taking place on the remote planet of Tatooine, and that the enemies for the first level will be Tusken Raiders, which is why we need a modeler to create a Tusken model. Also, part of the storyline involves a new planet, called A'Draka 6, which has been harboring Rebel spies in its villages. Thus, we will also need a couple models to play the parts of the characters involved there (mainly extra models that really won't do anything but attempt to fight off the stormies :p), but we would like to have like a significant character in that part of the storyline (3rd level most likely). The timeline as VIO said is taking place around the ANH storyline. What we hope to achieve with this? Just to have fun and put out a storyline themed mod that looks at things from a side no one else would even consider (the Stormtrooper). There are going to be cutscreens, but we need a scripter for this as well as the miscellaneous scripting jobs. Really all we need right now is the following:



Modeling (of course!)

Vocal Talent (To lend a little life to our beloved TK-623 :p)


Hope that was enough information, if anyone requires any other info, please email me or get in contact with me. Thanks.



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