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Massive Bug, Please Fix!


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Please Raven! For the next patch, put a max limit on player speed to prevent strafe jumping!


I dunno if you've noticed, but if you activate force speed and then "bunny hop" quake2 / quake3 style, you move about 5 times faster than a person with only level 3 force speed!


This makes CTF RIDICULOUS. Flag runners can spawn, dash to the other end of the map, activate speed and absorb and move SO fast that NOTHING can hit them. You can cross from one end of the Garrisons map to the other in about 5 seconds. Its MORONIC.


And to top it off, most of the "good" players bind a key to "kill" so they can just respawn with full force and repeat the procedure. This also happens a lot if the flag is stolen - the entire enemy team kills themselves and respawns 10 feet away. Please consider putting a 20 second respawn timer into effect when a player kills himself.


I know this game uses the Q3 engine, but I know it's also possible to STOP this pathetic bug exploiting.


To summarize:


1) Put a maximum limit on player speed. Stop the lameness that comes from exploiting strafe jumping and force speed.


2) Impose a respawn timer on players that "kill" themselves to respawn at base and instantly attack flag carriers.


3) Allow jump kicking in no-force servers. With saber throwing allowed so should this. ( I know I didnt mention this before, but what the heck, needs to be done)

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Not only CTF.. The other day I was playing capture the ysalymari (or whatever you spell it ;) ), and the enemy FC used that lame bunny jumping to move as fast as me (and I was using lvl 3 force speed) when he wasn't allowed to use the force! LAME :o

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Originally posted by chasem


Nope, that's capture the ysalimari


No actually. Force = off for flag carriers is not capture the ysalimari because the force can still be used on them. Ysalimari rules don't allow the carrier to use the force or have it used against him.

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Well, my typical solution to these "speed-demon" folks is the following:


-In most CTF maps, I go for the Tenloss when cappers are speeding by my base defenses, then wait until I've got a clear shot via force sight or whatnot.... ready..... aim....... zap! :D

-In CTF Imperial (i.e. Garrison), I would advise going for the rocket launcher, and / or beating the enemy to the flag. Most of the time on that map, someone will go for it, leaving you wide open to kill the EFC.

-Watch the character's capping route. If he goes the same way every time, you might be able to intercept him mid way with det packs, Tenloss, a missile launcher, or --add other evil tactic here--.


Part of the reason so many folks are prone to speed-absorb-bunny hopping is the over surplus of light jedi in 1.03. Now, if Raven were to un-nerf some of the Dark-side powers, or possibly nerf absorb... (I like this power now, IMO, but many ppl want it powered down :eek: )


Merc out.

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