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Anybody notice this XP issue?


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When I first installed JKII I was running Windows ME with a Geforce2 GTS card on a P4 1.5ghz w/ 512MB RDRAM, and things were dandy.


Halfway through the game I upgraded my system to XP and installed a Geforce4 4400 card. Things are better in some ways - XP rocks and the Geforce4 brings a tear to my eye. However, I noticed that load times increased dramatically after I made the upgrades.


Specifically, there's a long pause when loading new levels, saving the game, or even after hitting escape to go back to the main menu. The pause occurs before any hard drive activity - it's like the system is trying to resolve somthing before the actual saving or loading process is started. The pause wasn't there before.


The only clue I have is that the screen snapshot that's taken when you save a game is now visually corrupted - the bottom half of the snapshot is nothing but a swirl of blue and white pixels.


I'm using the latest drivers, reinstalled JKII, yada yada. Nothing seems to work... anybody else get this?

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*grin* The only way to make Windows XP look like Windows ME (performance wise) is installing it on top of Windows ME. And to really f*ck up things you have to use the convert utility that converts a FART 32 (misspelled on purpose :D ) partition to a NTFS one..


Now, people that do that (I was one of the lucky ones ) have the sh*ittiest HD performance in the whole universe.. Even after completely defragging the HD, I had buffer underflows when I was burning CDs, something that had never happened to me when I was using a plain vanilla 9x OS with a FAT 32 partition.:p


So.. happy formatting :cool:

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Hmm.....I have the same trouble, but not just in JKII, but in just about every program (including Windows Explorer!). Incidentally, mine is a fresh install on brand new hard drive.


While I definitely recommmend you format and reinstall (just generally, because upgrades rarely work well), don't necessarily expect to have that particular problem fixed - it might be somethnig else that's the cause.

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