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No GUI??


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Is it just me or is there no way to edit the ui text code, i can find the ingame text vars and structs and offcourse the normal ui_main code etc etc, but within those source and header files i can't find a trace of where to edit the "SETUP" menu in the ui, actually i cant find it anywhere not in cgame, game or ui, i hope im just overlooking it or else i fear that raven has excluded the code, they for surely have excluded the .menu files. Does someone know where i can man. the startup ui or can check it for me?

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You want to edit the menus? If you watch your viewlog window, you'll see the game parses its .menu files. It should be packed in your assets paks somewhere. (I am at work and don't have the game ith me at the moment.)

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Yeah, lets say i want to place a cvar on/off in one of the main menu's (not ingame) or another example edit some words in the ui, renaming setup 2 options.


In Q3 this was all handled in the ui code....., ill go look for those menu files.

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The mission objectives appear to be limited. So far, I can only make changes to exisitng ones show up. The Outcast demo has new objectives but their reference values are defined in the new DLL, with the others. I think that's one reason why the cut-down demo needs the patch installed.


Also, the only place I've found the filepaths for the code symbol graphics is in the DLL, so I think we'll need the SP game code to add new graphics.


I dunno, maybe there are some tricks we can do with the menu files to overcome this, but without the SP game code objectives are going to be a pain.


Levels with modified objectives will have to be in their own mod folder, and have a batch file to run the game with the correct fs_game parameter. There will conflicts if they are put in the base folder.

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Originally posted by UGG

I dunno, maybe there are some tricks we can do with the menu files to overcome this, but without the SP game code objectives are going to be a pain.


Levels with modified objectives will have to be in their own mod folder, and have a batch file to run the game with the correct fs_game parameter. There will conflicts if they are put in the base folder.

You know.. I said that in another post awhile back.. :cool:



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