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Bigtime n00b With Questions!!!!!


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I'm having a problem getting models to load. I'm using 3ds Max, and when I try to import a model I get this prompt "No appropriate import module found"... For example, on the "Saber" Tutorials it explains how to "Import Kyle's saber".....well there's my problem, I cant import it!! Here are my questions:


1. Am I missing a plugin?????

2. If I am, where can I get it?????

3. After I get it, where do I put it?????

4. Do I need another program?????


and if anyone has anything to add, feel free to post it......:monkey4:

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The link Lord put up gave me plugins for Max 2x and 3x. I have 3ds max 4.2, so 2x and 3x wont work for me. I can't find "XSIImporter" anywhere in the Jk2 Tools, I preformed a search and couldn't find it. If you did find it, please post the exact file name. I did find three files, they were called "root.xsi", but they were not the the tools folder.

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The xsi importer can be found in the 1st tools released by raven,


in folder "Max4Tools", it's called XsIImporter.dli, im using max 3.1 to import md3, i dunno if there's a plugin for 4.x


You could also use milkshape to convert the md3 to .3ds or something else that can be imported by max.

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ok heres the answers....


The Guy that made the pop n plugs md3 importer/exporter for max 3 did make a max 4 version BUT it was only a md3 EXporter


the xsiimporter.dli was in the official tools but in the first release NOT in the 10mb version


hope that helps

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Ok, I'm getting things sort of figured out. My question is...I have the .pk3 open with all the files and have extracted them to a separate folder, but where do I start???? I cant open an .md3 file on 3ds Max 4.2 because I can't import .md3....so I guess I need another program.... as the reply above states...


The Guy that made the pop n plugs md3 importer/exporter for max 3 did make a max 4 version BUT it was only a md3 EXporter


I need a very detailed tutorial on modeling...this is what I don't want ...

"3. Model your lightsaber next to Kyle's (so you can get the right size). When you are happy with it, delete Kyle's and move yours into the place his was (centered on the x,y,z origins)"
...the tutorial that includes this is statement isn't very detailed, I need more.


If anyone has an indepth tutorial please email it to rugburnd@yahoo.com

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