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Backstab Never Prospers


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Just had a great experience playing team FFA 3v3. I joined the game thinking it would be all right, and sure enough everyone on blue team (the other team) is a genuine backstab spammer. Great. So, we're playing on Massassi Temple, and I grab Strong saber and stalk through the trenches. Sure enough I run into two blues assfighting with Fast style. Overhead chop, stand still, let them run into it. We played to 30 and I got 23 kills for my team. The blues tried to adjust their style too. They tried headless chicken charges with Fast style, tried spamming the Medium finisher move, tried spamming DFA, nothing worked for them. Brutal defeat of the backstab spammers. Head to Bespin city streets, and a guy on their team teaches them how to kick. Next stop, kick spamming! This was somewhat difficult, because Strong style is vulnerable to kicking. When they come close, let them think they can kick you and Saber Throw/Roll Backwards. Works wonders :) Saber Throw is also handy vs. assfighters, hehe.


Anyway, the moral of the story is that backstab spammers never prosper!


Most fun I've had playing JK2 in a long time :)

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Just act professional(like your a contract killer) around spammers. This works in ANY game. Just be patient and wait for them to throw the first punch so to speak. Kill em and piss em off

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I know exactly what you mean. This guy was chasing me around in the trenches like an idiot, trying to get a backstab or something on me, and I'm calmly walking backwards keeping out of his range. He decides to "get the jump on me" with a roll, meanwhile I start a Strong overhead chop running backwards. The guy pops up from his lunge right into my downward chop and dies :)


The best experience from that game, though, was when I was fighting all three of them at once with one of my guys at my side. After a bunch of them running around backwards they kill my ally, and I run backwards down the trench and they follow me. I do a quick wall flip against the wall and they end up in a nice little circle around me, wondering where I went. I then proceed to do a backsweep with Strong saber, killing all three of them. Guess what happens next? They complain about me being cheap with backsweep! :)

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