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All I got to say about Episode 3 is


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Doubt it. The best you could hope for is 3 hours, if all goes well. Then again, it probably won't be longer than around 2 1/2 like all the others, except in a dvd-only "special edition."


Speaking of DVD special editions, I hope they really go all out with the Classic Trilogy DVD's when they finally come out circa 2006-8 (at the rate they're going, that's when it will be released, though I was surprised to hear the date of Nov 26. '02 for AOTC, which might just be a rumor!).


I mean the original films (restored audio/visual of course) and the SE theatrical versions in "branching" mode, and with the ORIGINAL trailers ("A boy, a girl, and a universe..." etc) as well as the SE trailers and all that jazz. Interviews, etc, packed into a 2 disc set like they did with TPM (and they are rumored to be doing with AOTC already). I'd also like to see them "restore" and release the "deleted scenes" that have never appeared on the big screen (Scottish Jabba, Han and his "woman" before Obi-Wan arrives in the Cantina, Luke talking to Biggs on Tatooine and looking up at the ships with his macrobinoculars, the ROTJ sandstorm that catches our heroes on their way back from Jabba's, the ESB shots of the infamous "wampa room" and C3PO ripping off the sign to set a trap for the Snowtroopers, etc).


There are also places where they could touch up the films a bit, such as the scenes in ANH where Ben's saber "fizzles out" (with no explanation) and where Vader's saber appears pure white (in the scene right after Ben's death, before the blast doors close), not to mention the bad matting on the Rancor when Luke fights it, and the matte boxes around the TIE Fighters at various places (most notably in the ANH Death Star battle).


But I digress... anyhow, I wouldn't expect the next film to really break with tradition much, though I was suprised with the level of violence in AOTC, though "PG" films in the US nowadays is much more intense than it was 20 years ago!

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