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Binding Keys to moves?

Norin Radd

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1st of binding specials or combos to keys is IMO a waste of time, from my experience scripts are inferior to a little practice towards manual execution ;).

But don't take my word on it and see for yourself, you need to gain a little scripting experience.

Try to get ahold of a list with valid commands (best to search the forums or sites for a list, but typing 'cmdlist' in the console will also give you the list), then break the move you want to script down into single elements, find the commands for those elements and then place them into a little script which thereafter you'll bind to a key. If you can't locate a proper site teaching on scripting for JO using google (or a diff search engine), try to locate one for Quake 3, http://q3a.gamehelp.com/scripts/index.html is what I used to get me going.

As I've mentioned above, I don't use scripts for moves (just a script to devide guns into 3 classes, which lets me cycle weapons in a group rather than cycling thrue all of em) so you're mostly on your own there, but it shouldn't be to hard to find some examples for scripted moves already posted to this forum.

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