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Crimson Jedi's Saber - finished


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as requested by BigDan, here is the Crimson Jedi's LightSaber:









The texture job is low quality, at least in my opinion, because ive never textured anything before. Most of the texture was ripped from a reference pic and edited. Also the right hand clips through the butt of the saber a little bit, cant even notice in MP. The saber is rather short, i think its better suited for 1 hand. This is my first saber release, i hope to make many more and learn how to texture along the way.

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Well I dont wanna sound too critical. But the hilt is to fat and too short. Both hands dont really fit on the hilt and because its so thick it overlaps to wear u can see thru the hand at points. Also when the saber is put away, the hand rides too far up on the hilt and it seems to be merged with your pointy things. Its not textured in md3viewer, It wont load in modview. I cannot import the md3 in 3dsmax or gmax. But i think if u make it a little thinner and a little longer, and id have to guess something is wrong that its not loading in modview and is not textured in md3view, other than that I'd say it shows definate promise ;)

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Well i wasnt able to view the pics. And i did notice u said its meant for one hand. But the game isnt one hand.. So it cant really be "meant" for one hand. I do think the model shows real promise and i hope u do i little more work with it.

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