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Bespin Sky ambient_color?


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OK. What sky texture should be used to get the same ambient lightning to outdoors like Bespin_Streets map had?


I have tried all skies from test3-5 and Bespin sky texture (which doesn't make lightning at all?) and none of those seem to be the same... or then I'm just blind.


If someone would give me the lightning color in the format Raven used in skies.shader, I'd appreciate it. At least it would fasten up the progress on Ladder 2.


Thanks in advance...

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Load up the map, bring down the console (shift+~) and write /shaderlist. There you can see all the shaders in use in the map.


In bespin_streets, the only sky shader in use is skies/bespin, which is rather strange because it contains no sun parameter. Only ambient lighting. Maybe they're lighting it with light entities. But why would they want to do that?


// Grudge


EDIT: oops, I made a mistake. The bespin shader doesn't contain any light at all. The light is probably from ambient light in the worldspawn. I don't know how to find out what color they're using for that if you don't have access to the .map file. Sorry.

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