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Tusken Raider Model?

Kit Fisto

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I read the book of ep2 and in there the writer goes into a lot of detail on how he slaughtered the whole camp. I wonder if they filmed more and cut out these scenes for the final version.

I know they did cut out a lot of scenes that they had finished completely.

Well, I guess we have to wait for the dvd to see these deleted scenes.


Anyways...a Tusken Raider model would be sweet!

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I hate the tuskin raiders. They have always pissed me off. Maybe my hate for them comes from watching starwars at an early age and getting the crap scared out of me when one of them pops up infront of luke, when he is looking thru the biconculars.


I read the book and was really looking forward to seeing the entire camp get slaughtered. OK well not the kids and women but I wanted to see a huge fight scene between the sand people making that dog barking noise, and the lone dark jedi.


Still the battle at the arena was pretty kick ass. So I guess that makes up for it. Besides maybe they will flash back in the next episode.... They could show some of it at least! You could see the men pushing the women into a tent for safe keeping. then after the huge battle with all the men, you see Anikin walking over to the tent, then fade out! I can only hope.... Lucus puts it in the DVD or in the next episode.... sigh.....




OH yeah a Tuskin Raider would be cool! I would love to hack em to pieces. Just like I want someone to make a Jar Jar model.

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OH yeah a Tuskin Raider would be cool! I would love to hack em to pieces. Just like I want someone to make a Jar Jar model.

Now don't forget a Anakin (Jake Loyd) model ;)

I know in a way it's maybe child abuse but I'd love to decapitate him for boing such an annoying child actor in ep1.

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that kid was so annoying, and he didnt act like he was 10 either. 10 year olds are shy and mostly scared of people.... i dont know, he seemed a little too much of a player for a 10 year old. i wouldnt mind cutting his head off though, but i'd rather slice a tusken down.

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