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Saber tricks


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Heres a cool saber trick I learned while messing with the force power of the saber throw. It started when I realized that I didnt always want the saberthrow set on 3. I bound keys 1, 2, and 3 to change the saberthrow to the corresponding number. I push 1, my setsaberthrow is changed to 1 etc, etc


Now, I found that if I throw the saber, while on force power 2 or 3, then hold 2(my key to setsaberthrow to 2) very little force power is taken. The saber will stay out only so long though until it comes back. By hitting 1 or 3, then going back to holding 2, the time that counts down before the saber returns is reset.


So, you can get your saber to spin for a long time, and get it to do some funky tricks, if you alternate back and forth between the setsaberthrow values. The sound is cool too when you switch the saberthrow power midflight.

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Let me revise this. After messing around with it some more, I realized, all you have to do is keep the saber floating in force power 2, because for some reason 2 hardly drains force power. Quickly switch to 3, or 1, then back to 2 and just hold down alt fire. This will keep the saber airborne for much longer.

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Some more cool stuff to do with your saber... Bind a key to 'taunt' (without the 's). Press that key, and Kyle will hold the saber in front of him, and it will float and spin. It's pretty cool looking, other than if you have it turned on, it looks like it would be chopping his head off. Another REALLY cool looking thing to do is bind a key to 'sabercolor <color>' replacing <color> with a color. Bind a key to each saber color, and make them nearby. Now, do the taunt again, excpet rapindly press the color-changing keys. It looks REALLY cool. And, my personal favorite, is, say your lightsaber weapon select button is 1, like mine is. Press it, to turn your saber off. Now, before he actually turns it off, press 1 again. This way, he'll spin the hilt around in his hand, the way he does when you turn it off, only it willstill be on, and it looks REALLY cool. Makes a good taunt, whether in SP or MP.

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there's a way to put binds you want to use on a regular basis in a config file..


use notepad and open a new file.. put in you binds and/or configuration/s.. save the file as AUTOEXEC.CFG and put it in your BASE folder.. whenever the game starts up, PS or MP, it will read the config file.. keep in mind that SP is limited and the file is really meant for MP...

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