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Shinra Mansion


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Is this really necessary? This is the mapping forum, not Final Fantasy 7. Anyway, since I'm an undying fan of the game (and don't tell anyone about the life stream level I'm drawing up)---none of you read that.


I'm guessing you mean to get Vincent?


You have to play the "game" that Hojo set up. This will give you the password to the safe one number at a time. Then open the safe (which is in the north west part of the upper floor) and fight a boss, you get a key and Odin. Then go down into the basement and use the key to unlock the secret room in the hallway. (Not very secret if you ask me.. the door's right there.)


I'll let you figure out how to do all that. Now no more game help in the forum! Yatta!


Aww... I suck at being mean. ;)



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Where is this Shinra mansion map? I couldn't find it in the jkii.net files database and I'm not finding it in the jedioutcastmaps.com.


It sounds like a fun map to play.




Nevermind, The search tool in the jkii files area didn't seem to work, so I looked around and found it in the FFA map section.

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