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New force powers?


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Hi how hard would you guys say it'd be to incorporate a mod where, when selected in multiplayer, runs just like the game does now but with more force powers?


I'm asking because I've thought of a new force power. It could be called Force Sacrifice. So far this could only be a team force power. When you are in a fight, and you have a full force bar, you can use Force Sacrifice. Your model will hold up his saber like ObiWan did in ANH, and when the enemy attacks you you'll turn into a ghost. Only your team can see your text and your model. This could be a benefit for your team as you can go in and let them know where the enemy is and whatnot. Also it'd be really fun.


What does everyone else think?


EDIT: Forgot, if you use Force Sacrifice the enemy does not get a kill if he kills you.

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I know what you mean Lucky. Luckily I at least know c++, so that makes the coding easy, but figuring out where everything is defined and located is the hard part.


In #jediknight today someone told me they're going to be working on a tutorial for making force powers. He said it should be released tommorrow.

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