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Server wierdness -- map not advancing when players aren't on


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I came back to my server this morning and found two bots sitting on the map over screen, where they had apparently been sitting for 43 minutes. Why does that happen? Is there anyway to stop it and keep the maps cycling (I know its just bots, but I'd still like the cycle to keep going).

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Happens here as well on Custom as well as Non-Custom maps. It kicks my butt because if I add custom maps to my rotation then I have to wait for someone WITH the custom map to login and move the rotation. :(

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Thats a common quake 3 engine "problem" the way to fix that is to enable bots and just "seta bot_minplayers 1" so then there is always a bot on the server. So the maps change because the server thinks a game is going on. When a client connects the bot gets kicked. Also it looks like your server has players on it and tricks people into connecting. :D

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