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Get Sofimage XSI for free (legitamately, really)


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taken from http://www.softimage.com/corporate/sales/request/default.htm?democd=true


Fill out the form below to receive the SOFTIMAGE|XSI Experience CD set. It includes both the full feature set of the ground-breaking SOFTIMAGE|XSI v.2.0 Advanced system, the complete, searchable, SOFTIMAGE|XSI v.2.0 Online Documentation Library, and a comprehensive video-based training module.




cd will be shipped within 4-6 weeks and they pay all the shipping!


have fun with it.




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Originally posted by Colonel O'Neill

save in another paint program ;)


not to rain of your parade or anything, but you do realize softimage would be used to create custom animations in jkII, right? or were you just messing around?


either way, there's ALWAYS a catch when it comes to "free" versions of insanely expensive software ... sucks, don't it?!

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