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lost in cloud city


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Ok guys i need you help......I am in the cloud city and have just rode the winds up the pipe and landed on a small platform I can not find out where or how to proceed from here...any help would be great....thanks

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thanks for the idea but it does not seem to work. I went and looked for the platform to jump to and it is way to high. I was looking in some walkthrus and they all say to ride the columns of air up to the next platform. But every time I try I fall to my death.....so anybody could tell me where I am screwing up I would glady take any help...thanks

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If you look carefully to your right you should see air blowing up when you see that immediatly hold the up arrow and ride up with the wind and when you reach the very top look straight and you will see air blowing up just jump acroos and prepare for your























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