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is there another patch coming?


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If you hadn't noticed... there are very MIXED reactions to the 1.03 patch... for instance, TWL doesnt use it, and the rest of the JK2 Community is divided in opinion. I don't know what to think, because its a godsend to us admin types, but I greatly prefer the gameplay of 1.02... where the only things out of balance were drain, and the red dfa... which is still deadly in some cases. now with the patch heal/drain have been nerfed... and saber vs saber combat is nearly imposible with the block rate... Not to mention forward kick is a pain in the arse with the netcode... the slightest bit of lag makes getting the second tap in on time nearly impossible.

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You serious Morpheus? Maybe I just spend to much time in the Valley forum, but it's a bloody war in there. And as a die-hard player, I know exactly which side of the fence I'm on. 1.03 absolutely ruined gameplay. Despite the 1.02x problems, that's all I run.


Anyhoo, in response to the question, according to this thread over there:




there may not be a 1.04, and I can live with it. That don't need another chance to change the entire game.


I would have given 1.04 a try, but this will do.

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