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Team sifa-deious RECRUITING 4 ctf


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i know the site isnt everything i want it to be YET


I don't know if i put this in there but it will have pictures of our win scores and special moves and a members page and etc..i will have probably an irc channel as well if things go great


we will need to see you in action first before we allow you to join of course but im looking for expereienced and even new talent (im good as spotting potential talent)


the clan will be for CTF saber only

i would choose non saber only but honestly i dont think

many ppl are able to do it w/o dying lol im not saying you suck or anything yanno


it doesn't matter to me if we are jedi/sith be whatever skin you want


there will be no ranks except for me&one friend because i started the group and incase if i am unreachable at the moment he will be so you can make a complaint to either of us =)


we do not have a dedicated server yet but i am hoping on one but if not we will jus have to meet somewhere or everyone search for one specific person and join that server then talk from there


Email me at mfield@evansinet.com or LEAVE your email on here so i can send a bulk email and we can have a trial there.


if you can't contact me thru email just tell me how to contact u (thru the forums) and i will see what i can do.


if i noly get one or 2 replys you can be interviewed now if you gots the time i guess that is all of it


u may post here as well if you like...

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