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Jedi Logger Suggestions


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I'm busily working on the latest version of the Jedi Logger, and wanted to get everyone's input on what they would like to see the most.. So, if you have experience using the Jedi Logger Stats program for your server, please reply to this thread, or email me at sam@neuroflux.com ..


I am really interested in hearing from the Windows users out there using the script.. I know that the C:\\ issue has come up several times, so I'd like to hear your guys' comments on how the script can be improved as well..




Wintrmte <Sam>

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How about support for player aliases? For example, my stats pages currently have the same player listed several times but in different colours or with/without clan tags included. It would be handy to have these stats lumped together.


Also, I noticed a problem with the images and stylesheet settings. In the .conf script it says these should be given as relative paths, but if you do this in Windows then any pages inside your Players directory will not see them. The only way I could get it to work was to make a copy of my stylesheet & image dirs inside my players dir.

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since we admins cannot forbid the "name" command people are abusing that to chat and fake. i'd like to have an intelligent parser which takes the name ther clients are connectng with, and keep track of the renaming during the game, and everytime the player renames the parser takes it for the original nick and logs further to it. so those lame renamer when losing, would get the stats they deserve...

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I have a simple suggestion, streamline the stats output page. Changing the layout or the overall style might make it easier to look at and read the stats. Maybe break the stats up into multiple pages like how its done in psychostats (which im sure youve seen before). Anyway, just a minor suggestion.

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easy kill, that one is easy. just go into the logparse.pl file and change the all to MOD_SABER


check out my page, that's how i did it.


it's the 22nd line down when you edit the logparse.pl file




change this to:



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i agree about the name thing too.


i like to change the color of my name on my server so that it coincides with the color of my saber. but on the stats page there are several listings of my player. it's just one player, but the kills are getting divided up to 2 or 3 players, just with different color names.

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