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Bots: .aas or .wnt?


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From the GTKRadiant Help file:


The BSPC tool is used to create AAS files from BSP files. An AAS file is a file with areas used by the Quake III Arena bot in order to navigate and understand a map.


This method involves some kind of extra compile that convers a .bsp to a .aas


From this website: http://jk2ed.jediknightii.net/botroute.htm


Before you can use any waypoint-related bot commands you will need to enter into bot waypoint edit mode. To do this you'll need to set bot_wp_edit to 1 and restart the map.


This method is something you do IN GAME and it creates a .wnt file that bots then use.




Whats the diffrence? Is one better than the other? Is it a multi player/single player thing? Can you use "do not enter" textures with the .wnt file? Can you use em together?


Thanks for reading.



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Thats cool. I'm having problems making the bots act sensibly though.


Are there any tutorials that give advise about waypoint placement?


Also will the DO NOT ENTER texture be factored into Multi-player bot thinking? I can't see how the .wnt file would 'see' that texture as you make .wnt in game.

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do not enter textures prevents bots from entering that area totally. it is usually used for ledges so your bots don't just walk off. you should only make a small strip brush where your ledge is (About the size of the players foot) and place a do not enter texture on it that way when the bot goes near it they won't be able to enter that area but you can still push him off if ya want. :p

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