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Skybox trouble. Beyond frustrated. Need help.


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I can build an indoor level all day long. No troubles there at all. But I'm building an outdoor, tatooine level that is intended to be a daylight sequel to duel_sandcrawler (which was at night for this very %!$# reason) and I cannot make the "boxness" of the map go away.


I have a shader sky with two suns that a friend emailed me and it's lightvalue is set at 75 or so. The other 4 walls and floor are regular textures (outdoorsy-looking Arizona shiznit). I have no clue where to find wall textures that will also be shaders and I can't build one from scratch though i am intelligent enough to read the shader file and look stuff up online.


I have mitered my edges and tops of where my walls meet the ceiling.


When I compile, I can plainly see the creases of the walls. You dont even have to squint. They are as big as day. Especially since the light is refracting off the 90 degree edges and casting a shadow.


I'm ready to give up. I need some advice badly. I've built Amidalas Queen Naboo ship and a few other really cool surprises and it would be a serious shame to throw all this away or do another nighttime map.


I'vce seen other outdoor maps and there are never any creases visible. I have no idea how to emulate that effect. I point to Carkoon (the duel one primarily) as a prime example.


Please help. I'm really ready to trash this whole mess.



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I don't get it. You applied sky shader to the 'ceiling' brush and normal textures to walls and the floor? Is this correct?

If this is it, then no wonder it doesn't work. You have to apply sky shader to all brushes (read brush faces) surrounding your world.


Anyway, perhaps you don't comletely understand what a 'sky' shader does. Skyshader always consists of 6 images, front, back, left, right, top, bottom. If you look into textures/skies you'll see for example:









Engine automatically puts them in the right place. Yet in shader code you just mention:

skyParms textures/skies/bespin 512 -

So, I guess if your friend just made you the top texture, you can't really use it. You need all six images which fit each other.

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Ok i feel REALLY stupid now.


*crawls back into cave*



Yes, XCom, (fav game of mine btw) you nailed it.


Jesus Christ. All that bitchin I did. And it seems like I knew this already but lost it several versions of worldcraft ago... ugh.


But now the texture doesnt really match the floor (and he did give me several textures and they all do what you say.) So, back to square 1 but at least i know wth I'm doing now.


This sucks when you take breaks from mapping for RL stuff... esp. when they are years apart from each other.




I've been married and divorced since my last real serious mapping effort.


Tell ya anything? :D

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Originally posted by Xcom

I don't get it. You applied sky shader to the 'ceiling' brush and normal textures to walls and the floor? Is this correct?

If this is it, then no wonder it doesn't work. You have to apply sky shader to all brushes (read brush faces) surrounding your world.


Not true... You can place a sky shader on any surface and have it open to the skies beyond...

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ok i am having sky box trouble as well mostly with scripting the shader.

i have 6 imagest

forest_up ect...


can someone please take pitty on a shader noob and tell me where the files have to be and the coding i need to have?



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Originally posted by RichDiesal


Not true... You can place a sky shader on any surface and have it open to the skies beyond...


Yes, I know that but what I meant is when you have a box basically surrounding your map you should apply sky shader to the walls, floor and ceiling of that box. You can't just put sky shader on top and normal textures on the walls and make it look alright.

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