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strategy alarm sistem


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I am in the stage where you can't save and you have to kill the robots one by one becouse ther is a alarm and if they see you it rolls the video where someone presses the alarm andd then I see me in the jail. Then they kill me.

How do I have to kill them or is it here some other way to get thru?

I hope you know where I am.

Thank you for the answers.

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which part of that level are you at if you are at the part where there is a light switch then you have to mind trick the guards and jump down and run into the next door if you are not at this part then you should include detailed info about where you are




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No I am where you kill the first jedi robot (black armer) and then go a litle bit forward and jump to the dors where are three robots i kill them and inside there is the guy with the key i kill him and take the key from him then I go back and open the locked door. There I go to some control pannel and click something and then ''I'' said that there are to many guards and afther that he says maybe i could be smarther then them. There are new mision informations and it says something like that I havet to atract they atention and kill them one by one. I go to the elivator and go down. In the room there are many boxes that I cant move. If I look straight I see the control panel for the alarm sistem and he tels me that. When I turn right I see a robot who is just talking that he doesnt see anybody I kill him and try to go forward but soon tomany wariors see me and one of them goes to turn on the alarm.

I hope you know where I am.

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easy, Cheat. Use notarget.

Or.. If you don't want to you may lay down sentry guns by all the alarm switches.




























When you enter the room where you see two stormies right in front of you. BEWARE! If the guy in the room behind the glass sees you it's lights out. There is no way to kill him other than the noclip cheat and notarget cheat.

When you find your way out of that room you'll enter a very small hallway. BEFORE you open the next door be sure to use force speed to kill the guy in black before he hits the alarm. There're two alarms in this room. BUT.. there are only two guys standing right next to each other, how conveinent..


I hope I helped.


-Darth Sadao :darth:

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