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a mod that will be awesome for competative play... !READ!


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Well, i think this will be atleaset 1000000 times better then the 1.04 patch, and i hope this patch becomes competative.




download the jagsmd.zip, and extract it into gamedata. there is a batch file that u can launch but i find that screw up the mouse for some reason, so launch the mod threw the game. here is what it does. THIS IS EXCELLENT FOR GUNNERS AND SABERS!





-alt fires works like the cr primary fire in jk1

-max ammo units 500 instead of 300

-splash radius higher

-direct hit causes a little more damage

-longer delay between shots

-alt costs 8 units per shot

-primary fire costs 2 units per shot, little less damage



-primary fire causes a little more damage



-has 5 rockets instead of 3





-speed and seeing take 15 units of 100 instead 50(lol) and 20

-removed the delay beween switching on/off passive force powers, like speed, seeing, absorb (always thought it was lag, lol)

-drain takes a little less force energy

-heal takes a little less force energy





-Armor gives 200 units (max 200) instead of 100

-small armor goes up to max 200 instead of max 100

-Armor respawn time is 30 instead of 20 seec

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