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i started a jedi war


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i started a jedi war! no not light vs. dark, but dark vs. dark! actually it's more of a free 4 all. its simple. bring down the console, type 'map pit' and u'll be taken to a big room with tav in it. dispose of her. now 4 the real fun. bring down the console again. type god, setforceall 10, and giveall. u should know what these do. also type notarget. this makes u invisible 2 ur enemies. now use the spawn command to spawn whatever dark jedi u want. don't spawn 2 many desanns, it makes the game choppy. mind trick one of the sith and use him (or her) 2 attack 1 of the other sith. all the sith should start attacking each other. if they stop, then just mind trick another sith and attack again.


note: if u dont use notarget, all the sith will attack u. then it'll be more of an "a 100 vs. 1"

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nice, it was too cool, although the first time i forgot nontarget. That got interesting. try running from five dark jedi, getting pulled down and trying to battle all five at once, although that was sweet too. makes for good practice. I prefer the bespin maps, much more room. Still, it was awesome. Sweet feature.

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nothing special, just the maps from single player. having a war at the very beginning of undercity is very interesting, especially if one of the attackers is blown off, makes for good amusement. but the best is platform (probably wrong, its the one before the very last bespin level) where at the very end of the level, you kill the reborn and troopers and have a light vs. dark vs. dark war on the platform by the cloud car. or, if you like heights, jump to the far ledge and continue around, you will be in and area high above the streets, a fall means instant death. battle desann and die horribly (unless god mode is on) or yavin, or cairn installation. while i'm rambling, one of my favorite things to do is while i progress through the level, is have two 'bodyguards' makes for great entertainment, mutalating stormtroopers. quite fun, but cheap. sorry for the length, once i get going i can't shut up. have fun! its a great game. download a map or two, i will.

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once when i fough Desann at the end battle, i spawned some rebels, that started to blast at Desann... of course they were no match for him, so i spawned even more, until i had a whole army fighting Desann. When he died, and you got the splitscreen, all the rebels where still there, and fighting each other, and eventually shooting at Kyle. It was very wicked to hear. Even when Kyle left the area, you could still here lasers out at the courtyard, where you meat Jan....


That must be the best strategy to beat Desann, right? :D

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