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Mapping standards?


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What should people mapping for JKii aim for in terms of system requirements needed?


This game has come out three years after Quake 3, which most mappers have aimed for what would probably be the everyday gamers system today.


IMO JKii needs to aim for GF2 Ultra/GF3. Can't always sit in the past and with DOOM 3 anticipation and Unreal 2003 coming out, more people would be upgrading their systems.


If the decision were up to you, you set the standard for JKii map sys requirements, what would you choose as the minimum?


Multiplayer & Single player...

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Check the minimum sys. requirements for the game:


350 MHz CPU

16 MB Gfx Card

64 MB Ram


Ideally, you must make sure the level is playable with these specs (tho with low detail and in lowest resolution)

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Must? We'd be making levels that look like Quake 1 if we did...


The specs are made as low as possible for marketting reasons. The amount of players actually on a setup that limited would be minimal...


Nothing has to follow what has been originally recommended. Mods/tc's always overwrite what has been set and put their own in place. Maps shouldn't be any differen't.

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Well, you asked for opinion and you got one.


Nothing has to follow what has been originally recommended. Mods/tc's always overwrite what has been set and put their own in place.

Then what's the point of asking this question in the first place? Do whatever the heck you want.

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Agreed. The majority of home users that game do have reasonably fast machines, what with gigglehertz boxes being so cheap these days (As compared to what they used to be. Procs themselves used be a thousand bucks about a year or two ago.). I myself would set the requirements a bit higher but that's just me. Think if how the computer industry looks now and then think of what it's gonna be like in a year when these new games like Doom III and DNF come out. Lots of people are gonna be upgrading so shoot for those high system requirements I say.


just my .02



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Well, I'm running on a 900 Athlon/GeforceDDR and most scenes are still playable- in 640 resolution with max details. I'm building levels that reflect a 'inner'-picture I have of that location, not the wrecked image of a 125fps-optimized cfg of Q3 ;)


So, basically just build as detailed as you like, show it to friends (perhaps some have lower-end PC's) and ask for their performance feeling. They'll help you best- IMHO.

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Originally posted by Xcom

Well, you asked for opinion and you got one.



Then what's the point of asking this question in the first place? Do whatever the heck you want.




I'm asking what the standard for custom maps should be. I do do what I want, but wheres the limit to how high you should go for a map that you want to be played? What's the average system most people would aim for?


The kind of issues Volrathxp raised are the ones I'm talking about. With games like D3 coming up, do we map for what most people would have now, or in a next couple of months prepping for D3?

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