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i need help w/ a cheat!


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i recieved a code enabling meto use a dual bladed lightsaber, and i cant get it to work. it says to type devmap (mapname) in the console and then get out your lightsaber and deactivate it (hit 1 again) and then type in thedestroyer in the console. if you could figure it out and help me, id greatly appreciate it.

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I'll help ya buddy.


First, its a multiplayer cheat. so go to multiplayer game.


Type in Devmap X (Where X=multiplayer mapname)


It should say "Starting up"


Then when it reloads the level (or loads another level) , It should have your game options on the screen, and it should say "CHEATS ARE ENABELD"


When it loads the map, Hit the "1" key to activate your saber(if it isnt already activated) And then hit "1" again. Your character should be holding the saber handle.


Bring up the console, type in "/thedestroyer" And the saber should activate with dual edges, and on the console, it will say "THE DESTROYER COMETH"


Hope i was some help.



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Yes it does damage. Fortunatly it doesn't damage you because on Fast and Medium style you hack yourself when you do a vertical strike. Any way its most effective when you swing at any angle because the end blade hacks your oppenent on the follow through.

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very weird. when i played, you could only have it work the first time.


Anyway, since you mentioned servers with cheating enabled, can any of you tell me how to set that up? I really want to get the realistic saber damage cheat going in a multiplayer game, not just single player.

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