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Casino....old republic....MP lvl/SP Mod


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Everyone is making landing platforms and ancient temples for their maps, so I thought I'd make something different, I came up with this idea while playing X-Wing Alliance, there's a mission where you fight off some ships outside Dunari's Casino, a big space station that is one big casino.


While I do not want to rebuild Dunari's casino, I am in the process of building a map of a space station that will be a casino. I will be releasing this as an ffa map and a single player mod based in the time period of the Old republic, where the player is a young Jedi (no name yet) sent on a mission to find one of the lost 20 and the biggest lead the Jedi Council has is this casino.


No Screenshots as of yet as I only have the docking bays and surrounding corridors built. I will also be modelling the Jedi Starfighter (If I pull that off I will release that before I release the map, unless someone does a good one before I do!) for use in this map.


I will post screenshots as soon as I have something that I believe looks half decent :)


Mal Brigand

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Does sound nice- I had an idea of a fight on a casino, but to do that I really would need to figure out icarus- unfortunately I'm already working on too many other things, but perhaps soon :)


If you need some textures mail me and I'll see if I can fix some up.

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